There can
be no better tonic for illness
than to learn of a Clapton
victory and last night's success
over Southend Manor was
particularly sweet, not least
for the fact that the game saw
the return of Marc Nurse as
coach of the visitors. I have no
doubt he was given the
appropriate welcome by the
Ultras and even I, mild mannered
Lew, would have undoubtedly
joined in with a chorus of boos
and hisses during the evening
had I been well enough to
attend. I actually thought
assumed that there had been a
grammatical error on the CFC
website after he had left and he
had taken the post of Coach
Driver. He certainly has
the go-karting credentials.
Last night also saw the last match for Andy Croft before his knee operation. I wish him all the best and a speedy, successful recovery. He will certainly be missed in the Scaffold. Not everyone may know but Andy lives in Kent and is one of an increasing number of people that are coming from outside the Borough to sample the unique atmosphere that the Clapton supporters have generated at the ground. Andy, once a ground hopper, is now a fully fledged Claptonite. Our task, if we are to be a real community club, is to try to get more people involved and feel part of the place. We should also look increasingly towards our local community.
Next Saturday it's the FA Vase tie at Welwyn Garden City and, by looking at their 100% record in the league so far this season, I expect that a very hard and competitive match will ensue. I am determined to get to the game and am also delighted to see that Ian Simpson, son of Bert Simpson, a member of the original Clapton Supporters Club in the 1930s, will be in attendance as well. If you don't know Ian, he will probably be wearing his trademark floppy hat. He was brought up a Clapton supporter as a kid and now, even as a grandad, is still committed to the Tons and comes to games whenever he can from his home in Norfolk. The lesson here is to attract and maintain young support so as to guarantee a continuance of interest in our club for future years.
So all my efforts are to 'get well soon' and get to Saturday's game. However, during my period of incapacity I have been doing some research and I have found a very interesting reference to the Clapton nickname which I will share with you, probably in my next missive.
Well done everyone. (team and supporters) You are making one snot-ridden old man very happy.
1st October 2014
email Lew Listz
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