Friday, 26 December 2014

Right or Wrong

Christmas Day is over and I am now looking forward to a quiet Boxing Day with Mrs Listz, (the grandchildren having returned to deepest Essex) and to look forward to Saturday’s game at the Old Spotted Dog against Takeley.

The holiday period has given me a bit of time for reflection on last Saturday’s events and I will not make specific comments, particularly as there are unresolved legal issues.  However, I do not think I should let it pass without some referral or the odd suggestion.

The game itself was a great spectacle.  No matter what slant you choose to put on this result, from a Clapton point of view, it was excellent.

The events off the field  were clearly predictable given and what I have seen on the internet, the group who turned up to disrupt proceedings were organised and arrived with no intention of watching a game of football. It so happened that their intent to cause trouble it was met by substantial resistance.  The conclusion I draw is, that had they not come to cause trouble, there would not have been any.

It is possible that the threats made to Clapton supporters over the internet may well have meant that others, who are not members of Clapton or indeed regular supporters, decided to come to the game to resist the threats. Vince McBean and the chairman of Southend Manor FC were aware of the internet threats, as were the local Police.

Admittedly, it is a difficult situation to manage but amazingly, despite their being on notice, there was no Police presence at the game before the outbreak of trouble.  I consider this to have been a mistake and, had it not been for the resistance that the trouble makers encountered, it was probable that a number of women and young supporters, who were with the Clapton contingent, may have been assaulted.

Thankfully, the supporters’ coach, that left with full occupancy from Forest Gate, returned later that evening with a full compliment, all unscathed and unsullied by the events.

The subsequent reporting of the incident in the Southend Echo was quite shocking, not only as to inaccuracies of  the incidents themselves, but also on basic information relating to the game itself.  The reporter(s) were clearly nowhere near the ground at any stage during the afternoon and certainly have no concept of what Clapton FC are, describing Clapton Ultras themselves as a ‘football club’.  The ‘local protesters’ they refer to are the group who, I am told, are co-ordinated from Bolton and the attendees on the day were from as far afield as Huddersfield, including some apparently well known leaders and activists of their particular political bent.

The Southend Echo reporters were Paul Nizinskyj and Luke Lambert. Poor show gentlemen.

I have seen no response or comment from Southend Manor FC but Vince McBean, has published a statement, (albeit in his ‘Mayor of Trumpton’ style) which condemns the incident.  Fair enough, but his condemnation is unclear as to whether he apportions the blame with the attackers or Clapton supporters.  Clearly he wasn’t there either as he was ringing the hypothetical cash till at the Old Spotted Dog during the Newham FC match.

It is difficult to know what to suggest here. There have been no incidents involving the Clapton Ultras that I can recall which involves anything but a group of people enjoying themselves as a football match.  Not everyone agrees with some of their political views or songs but so what?  Is it not the case that normal, balanced, individuals are able to ignore or reason with any view that is contrary to their own?

"We're not talking about Right or Left, we're talking about Right or Wrong".

Certainly further liaison with the Police is inevitable.

A further suggestion might be that all clubs must be represented at Essex Senior League matches by a responsible official so that an accurate assessment might be made by them. It is quite remarkable the number of games when the players and team management of clubs arrive at the Dog without anyone who is actually responsible for the club.

A ‘responsible official’ would depend on the constitution of the club.  It should be a director, owner or committee member.  Players and team management who are not directors, owners or committee members are not responsible officials for the mere fact that is a fine is levied against a club, they are not liable for its payment or recovery.

Its certainly a suggestion, and would take the Essex Senior League forward towards what is acceptable protocol in the Ryman League which, clubs are our level are supposed to aspire to.

I am now off to have a Boxing Day breakfast now and to place a bet on West Ham (9/1 at Chelsea).  Happy holidays everyone.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Peace and Goodwill in 2015. The future of Clapton FC ?

Well, it was good to get the game on last night and the boys responded with an excellent victory over Hullbridge who are very capable opponents.  Having fallen behind early on, I felt our equalising goal, just before half time, was the turning point and thereafter I didn't think we were going to lose.  As it was, Andy Mott's effort popped over the visitors goal line prompting celebrations in the scaffold, and the world was a better place once more.

However, this game was remarkable on a number of fronts.  The match had not been publicised by Vince McBean's website, his twitter or in the local press and I only heard of it through the site and subsequent tweets.  It's hard to imagine that Vince would prefer the team to play in front of empty terraces once more (and I've been there) as he is taking a very good 'tap' from the gate receipts.  Perhaps the real reason is that he does not have the numbers, or back up, to actually run a senior football club at this level?

He has spoken before of teams of volunteers but I see no evidence of this.  He is very much a one-man band and I have come to the conclusion that the whole 'club' thing that he has has put forward in his statement are something of a sham.

Miss Doyle, the secretary is never seen at matches.  There is no treasurer and it will be interesting to see if Mr Syfox, the commercial manager (and promoter of various live music events at the club house), retains his interest since the opening hours for the club house were cut by Newham Council the other week following a review of the licence that were prompted by various misdemeanours.

So, is this therefore not a good time for the situation regarding the Clapton FC to be resolved in the interests of the club?  To do so will require give and take on both parts.

Perhaps those who are trying to return the club to a members entity should consider offering Vince help with running it?  They have shown, that by welcoming people to the ground and making them feel part of the event, Clapton FC has a future, even at this level of football.  They have also been successful in spreading the word by selling scarves and mementos etc. and are now organising travel to away matches.  These are positives, to which Vince has contributed nothing.  However, he should not ignore them and, in fact, should embrace them.

What do they want?  Well, according to correspondence I have seen, it was to join the club.  This was in January 2013 and they were told by the chairman that 'membership was suspended for re-structuring'.  One assumes that this re-structuring period must be over by now.  So why can't Vince contact them and say “Join the club”.

The reason, I fear, is that matters have significantly progressed since that initial application to join and this is where both 'sides' must consider their position in the interests of our famous old club.

The first step is for the parties to liaise.

In order to progress issue it requires both parties to be absolutely open and frank about the situation.   I am a person who would wish to join a members club and it is not unreasonable for me to want to know the structure of the club, the rules and any debts for which I might be liable as a member.  Thus it would require Vince to be open and honest as to the true situation at his Clapton FC as, at the moment, it is as opaque as the shard of perspex that was kicked out of the dugout wall by the subbed Hullbridge player last night.

This might prove difficult as the other 'club' have been pro-active in uncovering, and continuing to uncover, various side issues (limited companies, side rents, county court judgements etc.), all of which are an understandable concern.  However, if they were to be told the truth by Vince as to the situation, would it be possible for them to put these matters aside in helping to establish a real club club in which we can all pull together?

So, in order for this resolution to come about, both sides will have to act both equitably and professionally.  I have no doubt, in order for it to have any real meaning or gravitas, that both sides will need legal advisors to come up with a solid foundation upon which a club can be re-built.

The stand off is not helping the club that I love and I recognise that some could argue that were it not for Vince 'holding the baby', any organisation known as Clapton FC might not exist today.  Equally, I am not foolish enough to think that his tenure at the club has been solely philanthropic. 

So, come on Mr McBean and the committee of Clapton FC ('the real club'), you have an opportunity of putting Clapton Football Club on its best footing since the signing of the lease on the ground in the early 1990s.

With the incredible support and interest that has been generated over the past two seasons, the opportunity for Clapton is without comparison at our level of football.

In the spirit of the season, goodwill, forgiveness and a fresh start, let's make 2015 a year when Clapton FC, with a clean slate, can move forward as a real club and to which everyone can be a part.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

The Meat In the Sandwich

So much to write about this week.

Firstly, it was a very good result for the team last Saturday, some decent football played and, as ever, a storming performance by the lads and lassies in the Scaffold.  What could be better? I have liked the look of Warren Mfutu ever since he came into the team and congratulate him on his hat trick.  A good player indeed.

After the game I did tweet that I was pleased that people had decided to give Vince's Bar a wide berth.  This again shows solidarity by the fans, which is something I may return to in my next missive.

However, first things first.

I have just seen that our away game with Newham FC next Saturday is to be played at Broxbourne Borough FC in Goffs Oak, Cheshunt.  This will cause a lot of inconvenience for both sets of players, a considerable extra expense and one wonders why this is happening. Couldn't more help not be given to Newham FC who must be finding themselves under a lot of financial, and other pressures, due to the apparent disqualification of the Terence McMillan Stadium from being an acceptable venue for Essex Senior League matches.

I have no doubt that the Newham officials made every effort to find an acceptable ground as near as possible to the locality of the teams.  The Old Spotted Dog would have been first choice and the best possible alternative venue.  The problem might have been that Vince McBean's sub-tenants, London Bari, have a match to play on Saturday afternoon, but what about an earlier kick off for the Newham match?  As recently as 27th September a double header was played at the Old Spotted Dog when Newham kicked off at 1pm  against Waltham Forest and the Tons followed them with the match against Bowers and Pitsea at 3pm.  If a similar arrangement was made for this Saturday it would ensure a bumper crowd, which can only help Newham FC in their difficult position.  It would also save supporters a lot of money and expense in their being able to follow their team.  

So why wasn't the game allowed to take place at the Dog before the Bari match?  I cannot imagine Vince objecting.  I assume that he pays petrol money to players to get to away games and a match at the Dog would save him that expense* (see below).  There is also an opportunity to sell stuff in the bar and a ground rental fee from Newham FC.  One reason might be that due to the wet weather, the pitch might not be up to two games being played on it.  A look at the forecast will show that, save for a possibility of rain on Thursday afternoon, there is no rain forecast for East London until Sunday.  Coupled with Vince's 'drainage' and the roller there is a very good chance that the double header could have easily taken place.

But this idiocy has precedent.  I remember Clapton having to play an Isthmian League match in August at Barton Rovers FC (Bedfordshire) because their floodlights had fallen below the required lux value.  Unless there was to be an eclipse of the sun in Forest Gate that afternoon, there was no possibility of the ground falling into darkness and bringing about an abandonment.  As ever, the administrators (who can usually count on free tea and sandwiches) made a decisions that adversely effect the clubs and their supporters.

I cannot imagine Bari objecting.  Let's face it, if they wanted to play on a decent pitch they would not have ground shared at the Old Spotted Dog in the first place.

However, if Saturday was not possible, why not re-schedule it for the following Thursday at the Dog?  There is a better chance of getting a decent crowd, which would soften the blow to Newham's finances, and there would be less expenditure and inconvenience for everyone.

One of the issues that spring to mind here is as that very little is known about the objections to the McMillan and very little is being done to help Newham FC who I know to be a group of decent football loving people.  If there are problems with the McMillan then the league or the FA should be open about it.  Rumours are, that the 'failings' of the stadium include

  •  non paying spectators can view the game from positions on the premises.
    • Has anyone been to Southend Manor recently or even Tower Hamlets? Perhaps it depends on your vision. Incidentally, the free tea and sandwiches brigade certainly don't pay to get in, they watch the match and they are the arbiters of this?
  • no signs around the seating. No lines delineating standing areas.  No ticket booth.
    • The average attendance at Newham /London Apsa's home matches last season was 29.  The highest attendance was 50 and the lowest 8 (eight).  Is this really a serious concern?
This whole issue is ridiculous and the FA, and the rest of the free tea and sandwich brigade, who chirp on about how they are promoting 'grassroots' football ought to devote their efforts in helping Newham FC rather than plunging them further into further logistical and financial problems.

The application of bit of common sense would be a good place to start.

In the meantime, we supporters all have to troop off to Cheshunt for Saturday's match and whilst I am sure that all the die-hards will be there, it feels as if the interests of the supporter are not being given any consideration whatsoever.  In effect, due to the lack of openness and common sense, we are the meat in the sandwich.

When the Isthmian League was formed, the officers of the League were members of the participating clubs.  Sadly, control of football has now been handed over to administrators who, on the evidence of this situation, are clearly not acting in the interest of the clubs or the supporters.  Its up to the clubs to wrest back control but I doubt whether any of the clubs have the bottle to stand up against them.

In the meantime, my best wishes and sympathies go to Newham FC and I look forward to a good game on Saturday.  What a shame it's not at the Dog.  What an opportunity missed.

Tea and sandwiches anyone?

My assumption was incorrect.  Vince McBean does not pay expenses or petrol for away matches.